Monday, April 2, 2007

Are you more Alkaline or Acidic?

What does this actually mean?

Simply put, if you are more acidic you are poisoning your body!

If the food you are eating is not pH balanced it is likely to turn into poison once in the digestive tract and then instead of your body absorbing nutrients it will absorb poisons. To live a healthy vibrant life we are to find a balance between acid and alkaline foods.

One of our body’s highest priorities is to keep the blood at an ideal pH balance of 7.365. Eating pH balanced foods allows your blood to be able to extract the maximum amount of nutrition available from those foods. If you are eating more acid producing foods your body will start breaking down and the signs of aging will show before their time.

Fat is an Acid Problem!
A man by the name of Dr. Young has a theory that the cause of obesity is actually an acid problem! What does that mean?
The body creates fat cells to carry acids away from your vital organs so the acids don't choke your organs to death. Fat could be saving your life! Dr Young goes on to say, “Fat is actually a response from the body to an alarming over acidic condition” and the solution is to Alkalize and Energize to rid the body of both acid and fat.

This theory was also the belief of the early Taoists. (Taoism is the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine .TCM). Dr Stephen T Chang who comes from a 400 year lineage of Taoist practitioner’s put it this way, “If one ever goes to the back door of any restaurant, one will find food corruption in garbage cans. Not long ago, this food was served to customers. So the only thing separating the front and back of the restaurant is a wall and a few hours time”. “We would not purposely eat garbage because we know we will become sick from ingesting poisons. Yet, we do eat garbage every time we eat without a thought for pH balance”.

Fatigue, a major complaint in our society, comes from an acidic body.
The toxins produced in an acidic body reduce the absorption of proteins and minerals. This will then weaken the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones interfering with the reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, an inability to add muscle tone, and general weakness.
Some other signs of an acidic body; yellow smelly urine, gas, indigestion, heart burn, headaches, sore eyes, foul smelling stools, bad breath, sore gums and teeth, allergies, aches / pains and nightmares.

So what can we do?

Answer: eat four parts alkaline to one part acid and this should maintain your bloods pH level at 7.365. When this balance is maintained micro organisms such as pleomorphic virus, bacteria, yeast, and fungus will de-evolve back to their original healthy state.

What to eat?

Alkali forming foods – millet, Udos oil, avocado, sunflower sprouts, raw almonds, carrots, dates, coconuts, celery, cucumbers, lemons, limes, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, soy beans, walnuts, soy beans, wheat grass, tofu, lima beans, turnip tops, peppers, beet tops.

Acid producing foods – butter, margarine, eggs, veal, fish, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, prawns, lobster, oysters, whole wheat, rye, cheese, milk, sour cream, yogurt, mushrooms, coffee, tea, alcohol, refined sugar.

I am not saying not to eat these things or you can only eat alkali forming foods though to live a healthy, disease free life you may consider balancing out your diet if you do have signs of an acidic body.

With most topics I write about there is always so much more you can learn. If you find this topic interesting keep an eye on my website for books covering this subject. Dr Stephen Chang has a great book called the forgotten food diet which should be available from my site very shortly.

Until next time, take care and

May you have a peaceful mind and a warm happy heart.

Kind regards,

Scott Cansdell

Are you having difficulties Conceiving a Child? Learn Why!

The clock is ticking and your hubby is at his prime. You have both been going at it for months and months and you’re almost out of breath with no bambino to show for your efforts. Or perhaps you have conceived time and time again and sadly you keep having miscarriages. You are not alone! More and more women around the world are experiencing the same problems and science just stands in bewilderment scratching its head and decides to fix the problem like it was fixing a car, not your body.

Your body is like a garden not a motor vehical so it should be cared for in the same way you would look after a garden. I can see you looking over at your biological garden and all you see are weeds and dead plants, right? Well, this analogy is perfect then. You are going to have to develop a green thumb and start looking after your body as if your babys life depended on it, because it does!

How would something grow in an environment that was under-nourished, dry, toxic and left to look after itself? It would not grow under those conditions! So let me ask you, how fertile is your body? What is the condition of the environment where your baby will be living? Is it well nourished, warm and not too hot, is the blood clean or full of toxins due to stress? How is your digestion? Did you know that what you eat and the condition of your digestive system can mean the difference between having a healthy strong baby and a possible miscarriage?

You have to understand in your heart and mind that your body is going to grow another body, and that’s no easy feat. You are a creator of life and this means you have to be in a pure state to even come close to creating another human being. Your body has to have so many different hormones in balance not to mention other fluids, blood, oxygen, nutrients and at the same time fight off toxins caused by stress and outside negative influences to create a baby that will grow and develop beautifully not struggle to live or maintain life.

When you visit your GP or Gynaecologist, they look at your body through the eyes of science and what science has proven to be true and when you visit a Chinese Medicine Practitioner they look through the eyes of wisdom that has been gained by studying the fundamentals of a system that has been around for NO LESS THAN THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS (3,500) and that’s a very long time, actually 3,100 years longer than western medicine. Chinese medicine takes the body as it is in its unique form and treats it as an individual blade of grass that comes from a lawn that covers the entire earth. You are different to the person standing near you or other people you meet and so your body is designed to be treated differently than the body of someone else. There are so many reasons why you have not been able to conceive or hold the baby you had and you must be treated as an individual to get to the root cause of that reason.

The way Chinese Medicine looks at the body is like nature itself. It may all sound a bit airy fairy but if you think about it for a minute, what is different between what is outside in the park to what is in your body? Without sun, water and nutrients your body will die just as the trees in the park would die and if you did not sleep when the moon was out you would burn up from exhaustion just as the trees would. So what is different? Yes you have a mind and you can talk but other than that there is not much difference between what makes up the tree and what makes up your body. If you haven’t watched it yet hire the movie Inconvenient Truth and you will see that the earth actually breathes just as you do. Thousands of years ago these simple truths were discovered and Chinese medicine was based on these truths.

It is said that the body is made up of 5 elements just as in nature. These five elements are as follows; wood, fire, earth, metal, water and each of these elements are of the same nature and characteristics that are specific to our internal organs.

Liver & Gallbladder

Heart & Small Intestine

Spleen & Stomach

Lungs & Large Intestine

Kidneys & Urinary Bladder

Each of these elements support each other in the cycle of life for example water grows the wood, wood is needed to make fire, the ashes of the fire creates the earth, earth creates metal, and metal broken down will create water. And it’s through this supporting cycle our internal organs work together and give us life.

To understand this better you will first have to understand the term Qi (CHI) pronounced “chee”. Qi is energy just like the stuff that makes your hair dryer work but it’s in your body. This is one subject that quatum physists agree on but certain scientists are still having troubles with. Our body is made of energy vibrating at a speed that gives us the elusion that we are solid but it’s only an elusion. If you were to stand in front of a powerful microscope you would be seen as just particles of energy. Now all your bones, organs and other bits and pieces are vibrating each at different speeds to create the solid matter they are. Your body is nothing but a mass of energy, yes it maybe hard to come to grips with, but its true. While this may be difficult to believe or even to comprehend, please stick with me, you have nothing to lose and a baby to gain.

Our body is made up of 5 elements that pertain to the internal organs that support the function of our body. These organs support each other by transferring energy (Qi) to each other. By the Qi circulating smoothly throughout the body we will have good health but if its not circulating properly we will experience problems from anything like headaches, bad digestion to period pain and infertility.

Let me explain how the Qi circulates. The 5 element cycle travels clockwise and the organ that supporting the next is known as the mother and the supported organ is named the child. The Liver is the mother of the Heart, the liver stores the blood and the blood houses the mind/spirit, so if the liver blood is weak the heart (the child) will suffer. The Heart is the mother of the Spleen and the energy of the heart (the heart’s Qi) pushes the blood helping the spleen’s function of transporting nutrients and body fluids. The Spleen is the mother of the Lungs and the spleen Qi provides food Qi to the lungs to create a special type of Qi called zhong Qi that supports the body’s respiratory function and helps in blood circulation among other things. The Lungs are the mother of the Kidneys. The lungs send Qi and fluid down to the kidneys. The Kidneys are the mother of the Liver and help to nourish the liver blood that surrounds the uterus and feeds your baby.

When the body is running smoothly all the organs support each other, but when we are not in harmony, the organs attack each other. A good example of this is when you are at the dinner table and you have an argument and you then lose your appetite or develop indigestion. What has just happened is that the liver becomes hot due to stress and the liver then attacks the stomach and spleen. It not only occurs with these organs it happens with all the organs and regularly within the body. As soon as you are unhappy or you eat something bad or breathe in a chemical or don’t have enough sleep your organs will start abusing each other and fighting each other as if each were a contestant in a championship boxing match.

This is why you cannot look at your body through the eyes of mechanic but instead look through the eyes of a gardener. We need to care for our body and make sure the blood is nourished, food nutrient is ample and our Qi is strong because if it’s not, you will be unable to grow anything, including something as precious as a baby. Chinese Medicine has a lot to offer and can treat most illnesses so please consider it if you are having troubles conceiving. You may think that is a big claim but do keep in mind, the body is an organic object that is in a constant flux of change and when it’s unwell it’s because its out of balance. If we look, smell, hear and touch to see what is out of balance we can treat the root cause make adjustments to bring it back into balance and once in balance health is assured and this includes the ablity to bare a child. To learn more about what goes on in the body and why you may be having troubles conceiving please drop in or drop me an email.

Until next time,

Take care.

Kind regards,

Scott Cansdell

With many failed attempts at trying to conceive we were at a low point. Finding Scott was by pure chance, or perhaps fate, and we have never looked back. Through his care, positive attitude and expertise we were able to conceive naturally and maintain the pregnancy. The acupuncture sessions lifted my spirits and cleared my mind and body of extreme stress and anxiety. We also learnt the importance of inner health, balance and positive energy - prerequisites for a successful pregnancy. I highly recommend treatment from Scott to other men and women who are experiencing fertility issues or day to day stresses of trying to conceive.

S. Chu

Period Pain

As much as this is important for women to know guys should be aware of this also. Why? You may ask? Because you may have to look after your or someone else’s daughter one day. Another reason may be that you just want to love your wife or girlfriend and knowing some simple keys will mean the difference between peace and suffering for her.

What is period pain?
Period pain is what a female may experience when she has her menstrual cycle. The pain can come before or during her menstrual cycle and the intensity can vary from person to person. The pain may be slight cramps or it can be so debilitating she may have to check into a hospital.

Does every woman experience period pain?
No, and they shouldn’t! Most women I speak with have a belief that period pain is a phenomenon that all women go through but this is far from the truth. Period pain is a symptom of your body being out of balance and not a natural part of the menstrual cycle. Women should not experience any pain at all with their period whether it is breast tenderness, low abdomen cramps or any other pain.

What actually happens every month?
The menstrual cycle is a shedding of the uterus wall and it should happen without pain. Every month a woman’s uterus creates a lining of blood vessels to prepare a home for the anticipated fertilized egg. If a woman becomes pregnant the egg will feed off the wall of blood until a developed baby has grown. If pregnancy does not occur the uterus will shred the lining and this is what is called your menstrual cycle or period. This process should be pain free but for a lot of women its not.

Why pain occurs.
In Chinese medicine we talk about liver Qi stagnation, cold in the lower Jiao, cold in the channels, blood deficiency and stagnation of blood. These are all terms that will be the reason why a woman will experience period pain. Simply put, if the blood or energy is not flowing freely around the uterus a women will experience pain.

The Liver organ is the main culprit
The Livers job is to smoothly circulate energy (Qi) and blood around the body. It is also responsible for the suppleness of muscle and tendons, lubricated eyes and the ability to see as well as preparing a fertile ground within the uterus for a baby to grow. When the Liver energy is out of balance we will experience liver Qi stagnation and blood stagnation. And this takes us to why a woman will experience period pain. Liver Qi stagnation is caused usually by stress, the liver becomes heated and aggravated by emotional turmoil and then the Liver Qi will stagnate giving the body pain. Qi stagnation will inturn stagnate blood flow and then a stabbing type pain will be felt. To rectify this problem you could have acupuncture, massage if the symptoms are not to bad and Chinese herbs.

Cold in the lower Jiao or channels
If you could imagine a lake flowing nicely just before the cold snap of winter and then all of a sudden it freezes. “Well”, this is something like what happens with the blood that circulates around the uterus when it’s invaded by cold or cold gets into the acupuncture channels. When cold invades the body your blood will stagnate and this will give you very severe cramping.

The above symptoms are the main reasons why a woman will experience period pain. Other reasons may be dampness, meaning there is a type of mouldy by product developed in your body due to digestive system weakness and this prevents the blood from circulating. And another reason may be endometriosis.

Period pain can be prevented and can be treated without going on the pill or any other chemical intervention. If you have cold the pain will be stabbing, for this drink ginger tea with a little honey. If there is a cramping sensation this is liver Qi stagnation and in this case do something relaxing like walking in the park and look at the green grass and trees. Green soothes the liver. Also meditation and yoga Nidra will help ease tension. The gym is not recommended it is stressful on the body and will only make the pain worse. And if you have blood stagnation you can do both. The warmth of the ginger will help move the blood and relaxation will help free up any Qi stagnation.

Many women experience tiredness and dizziness after their period and this is because of lack of blood and the body’s inability to replenish the blood lost after a period. This subject will be spoken more about in another BOYF news letter.

Until next time,

Take care.

Kind regards,

Scott Cansdell

Back on your Feet

Back on your Feet
Treating all your health conditions